Friday, August 13, 2010

Graduation Overload

So when I graduated from college just over 2 years ago there wasn't that much hype. Like I believe I went out for dinner with my family and my class threw a formal dinner/dance, but no party just for me (although I did have a highschool grad party so I doubt I'm allowed to complain too much). This year, however, I have been to 4 grad parties (2 highschool and 2 college). One was a big backyard affair, one was nautically themed, one had a bouncy castle and one was a formal-hall rental-dance party. All were loads of fun (I've been reading to many British novels), but the kicker was all the presents! It's like weddings but not quite. Makes me wish I'd had one haha. I think I've had my share for this year! Congratulations (again) to everyone who graduated this year!

Kittens Inspired by Kittens

Okay you have to watch this video. It just may change your life. Am I being dramatic? No. Thank you to Hannah who first posted this on facebook.

The Other Guys

Last night I went with two friends to see "The Other Guys" starring Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg. Get ready for this...IT HAD A PLOT. I know, it was actually more than Will Ferrell making butt jokes! There were some of the typical guy movie jokes but it was actually really funny, and made fun of itself as well. You definitely laugh in this movie. Mark Wahlberg is actually really good in the movie, although I expected at any moment he was going to say "Say hi to your mother for me". The opening sequence with the Rock and Samuel L Jackson is hilarious. Worth it just for that.


I just finished this amazing book entitled "Day One" by author David Nicholls. I was at my local Chapters last week and saw a display at the end of the aisle for this book. To be honest it was the cover that grabbed my eye, but the synopsis was so intriguing that I picked it up and brought it home (after purchasing it of course). It's set in Edinburgh and parts of England (which I love) and follows the two main characters from 1988-2007. The meet on July 15, 1988 the day after graduating from the University of Edinburgh. Each chapter takes place exactly one year from that date. It's amazingly written and funny, real, sad and touching. It's a book I will be thinking about for awhile. I would highly recommend it, I've already passed it on to a friend to read.