Today was a holiday - so now work! What to do? Well we knew we wanted to be outside because it reached 27.5 degrees today! Amazing (except for the unattractive red burn I am sporting now). So we (myself, Amy, my sister and her boyfriend) jumped in Thumper (my car) and off we went. We got a little lost on the way...but arrived around 11am. There were so many bikers out today it was ridiculous. We ate lunch at Metcalfe's - pretty decent pub grub - and enjoyed the sun (hence he burn). We walked around the little shops and took pictures at the Elora Mill Inn. On the way home we stopped in St.Jacobs on out quest to find ice cream - at a place that accepted Debit because we had no cash. Fail on that front...
Guess we weren't the first ones here... |