Friday, August 13, 2010
Graduation Overload
So when I graduated from college just over 2 years ago there wasn't that much hype. Like I believe I went out for dinner with my family and my class threw a formal dinner/dance, but no party just for me (although I did have a highschool grad party so I doubt I'm allowed to complain too much). This year, however, I have been to 4 grad parties (2 highschool and 2 college). One was a big backyard affair, one was nautically themed, one had a bouncy castle and one was a formal-hall rental-dance party. All were loads of fun (I've been reading to many British novels), but the kicker was all the presents! It's like weddings but not quite. Makes me wish I'd had one haha. I think I've had my share for this year! Congratulations (again) to everyone who graduated this year!
Kittens Inspired by Kittens
Okay you have to watch this video. It just may change your life. Am I being dramatic? No. Thank you to Hannah who first posted this on facebook.
The Other Guys
Last night I went with two friends to see "The Other Guys" starring Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg. Get ready for this...IT HAD A PLOT. I know, it was actually more than Will Ferrell making butt jokes! There were some of the typical guy movie jokes but it was actually really funny, and made fun of itself as well. You definitely laugh in this movie. Mark Wahlberg is actually really good in the movie, although I expected at any moment he was going to say "Say hi to your mother for me". The opening sequence with the Rock and Samuel L Jackson is hilarious. Worth it just for that.
Mark Wahlberg,
Will Ferrell
I just finished this amazing book entitled "Day One" by author David Nicholls. I was at my local Chapters last week and saw a display at the end of the aisle for this book. To be honest it was the cover that grabbed my eye, but the synopsis was so intriguing that I picked it up and brought it home (after purchasing it of course). It's set in Edinburgh and parts of England (which I love) and follows the two main characters from 1988-2007. The meet on July 15, 1988 the day after graduating from the University of Edinburgh. Each chapter takes place exactly one year from that date. It's amazingly written and funny, real, sad and touching. It's a book I will be thinking about for awhile. I would highly recommend it, I've already passed it on to a friend to read.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I Want White
Okay forget the fact that it's been nearly 2 months since my last post (I've been busy okay!) What I really want right now and have for some time is a white chunky watch. This is the one I've been eyeing up lately. The Channel version and other designer versions are unfortunately too much for me to justify...
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Bowling Bowling Bowling
So Bowling is not a a sport, it is a game. Just needed to clear that up. Bowling also has the connotation of being a "traler trash" attracter. I'm sure that's politically incorrect. If you've ever been to a bowling alley though, you know what I mean. However, I've probably been about 4 times in the last 2 months. What else are you going to do on a Sunday evening? Well there's lots of things, but once in awhile bowling is a good option. I'm fairly competitive so it's fun trying to beat everyone else's plan is to stop inviting people who are good bowler, jk. Who knows, maybe we'll start a league in the fall. We'll be most stylin' bowlers out there...
3rd Annual Elle Gala Event
On April 24, 2010 the 3rd Annual Elle Magazine Gala was held at the Carlu Hotel in downtown Toronto. This was my first time attending and I will definitely be attending again next year. Tickets were about $50 for general admission to the vendors/demonstratons and for the cocktail reception and fashion show in the evening. All the free swag and girftbags more than made up for that cost though. The cocktail - oh that was FREE. Yep free wine = a good time. It was really cool to see a real fashion show, VIP seating and all. It's pretty much an all day thing, with lunch provided. In the afternoon we left for a bit to go grab an early dinner and have some drinks at the Scotland Yard pub on the Esplanade - if you go have the sliders, amazing!
Birds of North America |
Watch It: Bones
So I have a friend and she loves the show Bones staring Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz. I never really got into it myself, and never understood her love of it. Recently though she started lending my sister and I the seasons (they are airing Season 5 currently). Well I got hooked. I watched season one during any spare time I had. I'm not half way through season two and trying to catch up to my sister who had a week off and is almost done season three. I guess, probably like most people who watch it, I love the banter and relationship between Booth and Brennan (or Bones). They seem perfect for each other but the shows creators maintain the secual tension. The cases are pretty clever too, and the supporting cast roles are really developed and you really like all the characters. If you haven't watched this show before, give it a try. Some of the "bodies" and murder scenes can be icky but I guess they are just trying to be realistic (and if that's the case then ew!)
The cast from Season Two |
Monday, April 12, 2010
Wolves on Parade
April has been a pretty busy month thus far...and I'm pretty sure it's going to stay that way. Makes time FLYYYYYYYY. Last Wednesday was the Wolf Parade concert at the Phoenix. As you can see below we were all prepared with the essentials: Starbucks, a full tank of gas, snacks and some good music.
At the show we started talking to this girl named Becky I think. She goes to lots of shows too and we suggested music and even sampled some on her iPhone. We Are Wolves opened, and they were okay. Another Montreal based band. I think I've come to the realization that in most cases (not all the time, see exceptions like Temper Trap, Local Natives, Cut Copy, etc) I enjoy a show more when I know the artists work fairly well. I like to sing along, what can I say? We didn't stay for the encore because we were pretty tired from the show the night before, but at least the crowd wasn't annoying :)
We Are Wolves |
Wolf Parade |
Wolf Parade |
We Are Wolves,
Wolf Parade
Thursday, April 8, 2010
In Search Of...Miike Snow!
Saturday I got to see the Sweedish/American act Miike Snow at the Phoenix in Toronto. Let me just say they did not disappoint! The opening act was Delorean (not from Detroit and don't ask them that...). I was dancing it up Friendly Fires style which says A LOT! They had tons of energy and were pretty interactive. They came out with these creepy masks (phantom?) which my friend of course stole. The crowd went insane when they played Animal. I was fist pumping with Christian and Pontus (both big time producers and song writers according to Wikipedia). The crows wasn't annoying either for an all ages show - accept for this one random chick who got a little to close...haha.
Friday, April 2, 2010
What I Want/Need This Week
Day to Trip To: ELORA, ON
Today was a holiday - so now work! What to do? Well we knew we wanted to be outside because it reached 27.5 degrees today! Amazing (except for the unattractive red burn I am sporting now). So we (myself, Amy, my sister and her boyfriend) jumped in Thumper (my car) and off we went. We got a little lost on the way...but arrived around 11am. There were so many bikers out today it was ridiculous. We ate lunch at Metcalfe's - pretty decent pub grub - and enjoyed the sun (hence he burn). We walked around the little shops and took pictures at the Elora Mill Inn. On the way home we stopped in St.Jacobs on out quest to find ice cream - at a place that accepted Debit because we had no cash. Fail on that front...
Guess we weren't the first ones here... |
Give Me Some AIR
Last week I got to see a band that's been around for a long time (from my perspective), AIR. I first discovered the French duo when I was in my last year of high school. Songs like Cherry Blossom Girl and Surfing on a Rocket had me hooked. Their classically infused ambient-trance, electronica songs bordering on weird at times sounded cool. Live they were a bit boring if I'm perfectly honest. It was the first time that I actually left a show before it ended. They don't really ever engage the crowd, they just are focused on their synthesizers. For me the joy of seeing live music is getting to be a part of it. While I don't regret seeing them they are not an act I would see again. The variety of people there was also something rarely seen - but I guess that speaks to their wide appeal, something strange for a non-mainstream act.

Sunday, March 21, 2010
Wings Up!
On Friday a group of us went to Wings Up! - where you can get pretty much ANY flavour of wings you want - they even have chocolate! I had BBQ Honey Garlic, mmm. Just one little wing left in this picture...
What's Your MUSE?
So for my third concert of 2010 (I know I feel so behind...) I went to the ACC to see Muse supported by the Silversun Pickups on March 8th. Unfortunately the concert started at 7pm which in my opinion is stupid but who really cares what I think right? So we missed most of the Pickups set, arriving at 7:45pm.
What I did see of them I liked though. Our seats were at the back, but that gave us an awesome view of the light show (one of the best I've seen) and the set which was also very innovative. The band played on three moving pillars that raised and lowered as well as spinned, giving everyone a great view. I wasn't as familiar with their catalogue of music but I liked what I heard. They are SUPER talented.
Red Velvet Cupcakes
I had my first Red Velvet cupcake in New York believe it or not. Since then they've been my favourite. Starbucks in the month of February had Red Velvet Cupcakes with Cream Cheese icing too, and I probably had about 10 that month. So my mom and I decided to make some of our own. They turned out great and were a big hit with my friends. What's not to love?
Friday, March 19, 2010
Been Such a Long Time
So feels like a long time since I've posted, mostly because it has been. I've been busy busy busy. This weekend I hope to upload some pics and do some posts. I'm even behind on my magazine reading...sigh. Not enough hours in a day.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Guess Where I'm Going...
Golf in the Dark
Last week we went to play Glow in the Dark mini golf at this place in Cambridge called the Putt Hutt. Amy thought the golf ball was a ghost...
We ended up doing more horsing around and less mini golfing. I think we managed to keep score until hole 5...We each got a glow in the dark bracelet and a ball and a club...and I'm pretty sure this place is meant for Birthday parties for 8 year olds. Oh well we did have some fun, even if it cost $9.95 :)
Arizona Style
Feast your eyes on some resent presents brought back from Arizona. Not really sure where I'm going to wear them...
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Mumford & Sons
For my second show of 2010 I was delighted to see the British act Mumford & Sons yet again. I had first seen them in 2008 when my sister convinced me to go to a show. These guys are great - and hot! They had a great time and I love when bands are having as much fun as me. It's like we're in it together. I knew the show was sold out, but like at 7:30pm (doors were at 8pm) there was already a line up of over 100 people - something I've never seen at Lee's Palace before. The crowd was obviously excited.
A local Toronto band, The Sunparlour Players, did a pretty impressive two man show. At first I thought I was going to be disappointed, but I wasn't. They had an indie, country, folk, rock vibe - but doing it all in black suits.
Mumford played a great set, with some new tracks and all the "old favourites". They were surprised that people knew the words to their songs - but of course we do. They joked around with us and told jokes and were just overall cute and perfect. For their encore they dd one of the songs unplugged - literally. Marcus played the drums for some songs and the others he played guitar - showing his talent as a musician. The crowd called Ted a wanker, somewhat of an inside joke it seemed. There were two nice girls in front of us (in our usual spot actually) who we chatted with before and after sets who were really nice and told us more about the collective that Mumford is apart of. Oh and you can't forget the old guy near us who was slightly inebriated yelling at everyone that he couldn't see.
Lee's Palace,
Mumford and Sons,
Sunparlour Players,
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